Week 15 Coffee by MeetupPhoto
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  3. Week 15 CoffeeWeek 15 Coffee
Photo taken through a plate glass window.
Ginger Snap
Coffee Cup Lid
Coffee cup composite
20130112-LR Class (102 of 104)-Edit
Indonesia-Bali-Tanah Lot Temple-12
Indonesia-Bali-Tanah Lot Temple-4
Asian Palm Civet sleeping. They eat coffee berries and deficate them. The bean is extracted from the berry to make Luwack Coffee
Waiter, Indian Coffee House, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India
Indian Coffee House, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India
Culling Bad Beans, Hacienda Morelia, Armenia, Columbia
Grinder, Hacienda Morelia, Armenia, Columbia
Bean Harvester, Hacienda Morelia, Armenia, Columbia
Critiquing one another s work often gives you a perspective on your own photography that you might not have considered before. As photographers, we often get so invested in what we re doing that we fail to see some
small things that can make a photo better. If another person can point this out to us, it can lead to some improvements in our work.

Be prepared to receive advice that you don't like, or don't agree with. If you receive what you think is bad comment, first think about the comment from their point of view. They may well just have a point. However,
if you still don't agree, be polite and respectful or better don't reply. Never get into an arguing match with someone who doesn't share your opinion of your photo. It is, after all, only an opinion and everyone is entitled to their own.
Taste_booth 20190303-P1001850 Japan-1-1 P1040405 Ginger Snap Coffee Cup Lid Coffee cup composite 20130112-LR Class (102 of 104)-Edit PB060478-Edit Indonesia_Bali_Luwak_05 Indonesia-Bali-Tanah Lot Temple-12 Indonesia-Bali-Tanah Lot Temple-4 Waiter, Indian Coffee House, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India Indian Coffee House, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India Culling Bad Beans, Hacienda Morelia, Armenia, Columbia Grinder, Hacienda Morelia, Armenia, Columbia Bean Harvester, Hacienda Morelia, Armenia, Columbia Espresso
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